Safety meeting at the office, because safety first...which means first day of the week.
The crew is in the process of restoring this house on Tate St. in Marion. Assessing the house determines this will be one cool project. This has been one daunting project! When we started the plan was to put some lipstick on this ole girl and turn it over but after digging into it we found a lot more work needed to be done. As eager as we are to always take on a challenge we began a complete gut of it. We had to hand dig and pour new footers for pier supports under the home, Replace many joists, band boards, sill plates, studs, flooring, sheeting etc but we have it back dried in, stabilized, leveled, and ready to start restoring this cool old mill home! Keep an eye out for future posts of completed work here.
Wednesday (oooooohh, we're halfway theerree!) and Thursday
The tree removal crew had a two day project, cutting down two trees that were getting up there in age and height, not the best combination for a homeowner. Both Trees were Pine and one had been hit by lightening busting it all to pieces, these always make for an interesting removal when having to climb. We chipped all the brush and cut the logs to be sawn on site by a portable saw mill from Oldfort, NC.
Back to a building on Lake Tahoma Rd. Working hard, "playing" in the mud.
Holy smokes was this a tough "Small Project". Upon request from the home owner we were asked to negative grade around this building so water would run away versus pooling up against the new metal siding we just installed. Well unfortunately this building sits lower than both parking areas and lower than the flood plain area adjacent to it. Luckily our guys are experts in water loss prevention and we were able to dig a french drain and run the water away from this area to a lower area of drainage over 200' away. Believe it or not, all of that was the easy part. This was the old site where Tom Johnsons camping center originally started and while RV's were being maintained here they would also be able to be hooked up so the tenants still had power and running water. That was not something we thought of prior to excavation to the site. Needless to say we had quite an interesting time finding all the old water supply lines, electrical lines, drain lines etc that were buried for years under the soil. Thats all behind us and the property is complete and landscaped now. Check out our facebook page for some recent photos and videos of the completed project.