Renovating your yard or outside property is more than just moving earth around. The finishing touches often require a little finesse. Knowing which plants to use to decorate your property is important. You don't want to plant something unable to withstand certain seasons. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) zone map of the U.S. helps gardeners know which plants are best suited for annual temperatures, called the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. McDowell and most neighboring counties are in zone 7b (counties up the mountain 7a), indicating extreme winter temperatures can dip from 0 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. So what plants are great for landscaping and decorations but can also survive in zone 7? Here are just a few but there are several more not listed below:
Conifers (most common)
Some are trees, but some are smaller shrubs. Know which you are committing to before you start planting.
Rhododendron (and Azaleas) So popular Bakersville, NC has an annual Rhododendron Festival. Beautiful flowers and can grow up to 20 feet.